A Practice of Presence
I can struggle with being present.
And then I regret and worry about not being present with the people I am with or the moment I was in after the opportunity lost. Do you ever experience this too?
Sometimes I find myself arguing in my mind “Leah, Be Here Now, Listen Now. This moment is what matters Now.” Because somehow all the other things I feel I need to get to or indeed do need to accomplish on that day somehow always get done. Whether they are taking charge of my mind or not.
In Yoga we get to practice Svadhyaya, one of the Niyama’s, ethical principals. Svadhyaya meaning self-study, self-inquiry.
If we forget to study and inquire about our reactions to life, in the good time and in the bad, we miss an opening to become aware of our patterns. The good ones, and the bad. By inquiring, like a friend, consider a inner coach, we can develop a level of trust with ourself. An “oh yeah, I am doing that thing again” moment from a friend who truly cares. A friend who doesn’t want you to miss out on this moment because it may never happen again. Suddenly, and with no judgement we notice and can remind ourself… When there is impatience, patience also exists.
When we feel disconnected, we can find a moment of connection.
And when we become distracted, presence also lives there too.
Help is on the way.
Try it…
Pause, get curious about yourself, your reaction in this moment and if needed, simply ask for help to be guided back to this Now.
Svadhyaya allows an opening to understanding and connection with the one and only You. When we open the door to our inner witness and companion who sees, who knows our patterns, our strengths, our weaknesses, this opening can allow an opportunity to become present. Present to the moment we are in, present in our body, present in our mind, and present long enough to choose to Be Here Now. From this place, the next step can become clear and we become ready from a place of presence.
Practice with me?
With Love,