Leah Matteson Leah Matteson

Chatter that does’t matter

Do you ever notice the chatter that goes on between your ears like me?  Sometimes what feels like a full on conversation happening upstairs makes me wonder whether or not I need to be having a separate conversation with a professional. 

However, the fact that I am aware of this chatter makes me feel ok about it. ;) 

This awareness I speak of, have you felt it too?  For me, it’s a feeling of a deeper “understanding" below the current of the chatter that shines a light on the conversation.  We all have thoughts, and we most definitely all have feelings.  And it makes sense that how we think will certainly have an affect on how we feel in any given situation.  Opening ourselves up to the awareness we all have within this chatter can lead us towards an even greater connection.  The one You have with You.  It’s an offering to ourselves to listen to what we truly need, what we truly desire and who we truly are.  

This chatter can be subtle or sometimes loud enough to keep us up or wake us up at night.  It can introject in between our ears as we hear the words coming from someone else yet try to fill the space or take up more room to overpower what we are not wanting to hear.  The chatter can physically come out of our mouths when we least expect it as if pushing back on what we feel or see around us.  The question then arises, can we bring to light the deeper understanding of why? 

Why is this practically unconscious, automatic, sometimes unpredictable chatter occurring? 

When we remember that we are all sensitive beings, this opens a door for us to show that and feel that side of us.  To be vulnerable.  In our busy lives full of people, decisions, deadlines and so forth the separation of what belongs to us and what is beyond our need to analyze, reason with or solve can become a bit fuzzy.  This can happen when we forget it is possible to create boundaries.  And in other words our limit, our own personal dividing line of what belongs to us, what line we may be crossing or what boundary someone or something else is testing.  I feel that this chatter starts to matter and get a whole lot louder when we tell ourselves what we “should” do and have forgotten to listen to our inner awareness reminding us that it is ok to not only ask ourselves “what is right for me?” and to choose it.  An internal boundary.  Not only is it possible, it can become the most healthy, important, monumental and compassionate question we can offer for ourselves.  Because when we understand what belongs to us and what is outside of our control, the amount we need to carry whether physically and/or mentally becomes a whole lot less. 

Try it…ask yourself “What is right for me (in this moment)?”

Noticing the chatter is a practice and a gentle offering to listen.  By inviting our deeper understanding to shine the light on what feels right for us, we can begin to notice how the awareness and decision to listen begins to turn the volume down.  We can feel the difference between the chatter that doesn’t matter and the gentle words of wisdom simply waiting to be heard.  Notice how it feels a whole lot kinder to the one doing all the thinking.  We can take a breath and with all the love say “I have heard enough for today, What is right for me”.  The opposite of being selfish, it’s a practice Self Love.  One thought a time. 

Leah xo

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