Strength in all of its forms

Do you ever feel caught in the trap of doing the thing that you want to do vs. doing the thing that might be the best to do? I sure do.

We all have our strengths and one of mine I consider a blessing and a curse. I call it being a “Professional Multi-Tasker”. Like unloading the dishwasher while prepping dinner, talking on the phone and feeding my dog. I literally just got exhausted reading that last sentence. Or what about this one…planning the week in my mind while grocery shopping, mulling over a conversation I had with someone, wishing I had said that thing differently, worried about how they are feeling and forgetting to buy the milk. It never fails, we can only do so many things at once! A good reminder that my ability to do all the things often times leaves me feeling frantic, exhausted, irritated and forgetful. And even though I get the things (or most of them) done, I am far from having the feeling of completion, because everything within me feels like it is still on warp speed.

This past year I have been struggling with Plantar Fasciitis in my right foot. If you have experienced this before, I send you love and if you haven’t I send fairy dust that prevents you from having it. It’s a real drag. And for me, I will be the first to admit I could have most likely avoided it by are you ready?…Listening to my body.

In addition to loving the practices of Yoga and Pilates I also adore running. There is something about the feeling I get after a run. Whether it’s outside in the morning before the roads are busy being able to see the first glimmer of sun or in the winter when I jump on the treadmill (a good playlist is a must!). I guess a runner’s high is for real, because running gives me a release mentally and physically that I am grateful for 100% of the time.

Rewind to about a year and a half ago when I began to develop a nagging sensation in my right heel sometimes when I ran that progressively became more apparent. But that bulldog Multi-tasker professional within me was like, “no this is ok Leah because the running will stretch my foot out, this is exactly what will help it. I will get new sneakers because it must be their fault and I will keep running”. Fast forward to barely being able to walk down the stairs in the morning, PT, Chiropractic, massage, foot rolling and one sore foot. And looking back on it I realize I did what I wanted to do…keep run vs. what most likely would have been best for me.

Listen to my body.

So I suppose a part of me felt strong pushing through the discomfort because this is in many ways what I have learned and am forever grateful for from my Yoga mat. Finding comfort within the discomfort has been a life lesson that has helped me get through depression, through loss, a bad day, you pick it. It has brought me to witnessing the true strength I have, we all have, within us. Yet sometimes I find that I can confuse this with reasoning it is ok to test the edge in all aspects of life. My Multi-Tasking self is like “Yes! I can do all these things and Go Me! It feels a little uncomfortable, and I am getting stronger by proving to myself it’s possible.”

Then there is my soul self. When I allow myself to get quiet enough and still enough to listen, It asks me kindly to slow down. To rest, reset, then decide what would be the next best step. When I do this, I notice that I continue forward with more ease, grace, intention and Love. To me, this feels even stronger than doing all the things.

Deciding that One thing, maybe Nothing is enough.

With Love,



Chatter that does’t matter