Set Your Story Free

We all have a Story. 

I sure do, for as long as I want it to own me.  This might sound harsh (as I speak to myself) however, the more I learn and the greater the distance between me and when my story began, the more I realize the Story gets old.  

We can make the story long or quite short and sweet.  Mine began in College as an eating disorder and blossomed into a 10 year journey down anxiety and depression lane.  There were people along the way whom I lost as I lost myself and then people who kept showing up to help me turn my light back on.  The one person I didn’t realize I needed most until she finally decided to show up, was me.  

The yoga mat invited me to get out of my head where the thoughts, my Story, lived and allowed me to feel the truth of what was happening in my body.  Simply movement, stillness, comfort and discomfort.  The mat gave me the opportunity to test my edges of what I thought wasn’t possible and what I felt was true one breath, one step, one moment at a time.  

When allowed, there can be a natural evolution.  Rather than holding tightly to the story of what got us here we can experience how we feel right Now.  And give ourselves permission to evolve into the greater and greatest version of who we are.  Because in this grand experience of life through all of its ups and downs the one constant we will always have is ourself.  Why do we need a story to realize how truly powerful, courageous, funny, lovable, precious, and one of a kind we truly are?

Having said that, there is something sacred that only we can take and understand from these stories of ours.  The nugget of wisdom we find from the loss, the heartache, the challenge we didn’t think we could overcome, yet did.  This pearl not tangible yet a completely visceral feeling will forever be a part of us.  A treasure available to us as we set the Story free and at the same time develop a deeper sense of self love for the one who persevered, the one who survived, the one who came out the other side as the stronger, wiser You.  

And imagine yourself as a bird with its view looking down on what once looked like devastation from below.  However from here, a beautiful landscape with new ever evolving growth.

And so when the Story is opened, like mine does from time to time as a gentle reminder of what was.  A simple and loving thank you to the author for writing it as you close the book and hold tight to its treasure you hold in your heart. 

With Love,

p.s. You have everything within you that you need Right Now. XO


Riding the Waves of our Emotions


The Oneness is All of us